Laxmi Institute of Computer Applications (MCA)
Subject: 620001 – Data Structure Sem: II
Question set - II Academic Year: 2010 - 2011
By : ManjoorHussain Kapoor 1
Q1) Write an algorithm to count the number of nodes in a singly linked list?
Q2) Write an algorithm to insert a node in a linked list?
Q3) Describe how a polynomial is represented using singly linked lists. Write an algorithm to add two
polynomials represented using linked list?
Q4) What is doubly linked list? Write an algorithm to add and delete a node from it?
Q5) Explain the array representation of a priority queue? Write an algorithm for deleting and inserting
in a priority queue? Mention its Applications?
Q6) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of singly linked list?
Q7) Explain the structure of a doubly linked list. Write a general algorithm for inserting and deleting
nodes in the middle?
Q8) Compare and distinguish between singly linked lists and doubly linked lists?
Q9) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of linked list over arrays?
Q10) Write down the steps to invert a singly-linked circular linked list?
Q11) How do you use circular queue in programming?
Q12) How doubly linked list can be used for dynamic storage?
Q13) What is a Priority queue? How is it represented in the memory?
Q14) What is a linked list? What are its advantages over array? How is linked list implemented
in the memory?
Q15) Develop an algorithm to insert a node to the right of kth node of a singly linked linear list.
Q16) Evaluate the complexity of the algorithm to add two polynomials in the form of linked lists.
Q17) Compare linear data structures with linked storage data types.
Q18) Explain the representation of polynomials using linked lists.
Q19) Write algorithms for adding and deleting elements from a circular queue implemented as linked
Q20) Explain any three operations on a linked list. Write algorithms for these operations.
Q21) Discuss the advantage of circular queue with examples.
Q22) Explain how pointers are used to implement linked list structures.
Q23) Differentiate singly linked list and circularly linked list.
Q24) Write an algorithm to traverse elements in a singly linked list
Q25) Explain about frequency count and give an example. Write procedures for circular queue
Q26) Write procedure for searching an element in a singly linked list.
Q27) What is the advantage of a doubly linked list compared to a singly linked list?
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