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Web Technology & Application Development (WTAD)


Semester : IV
Subject Name : Programming Skills – VII (WTAD)
Subject Code : 640012

Q-1   Create a web page which displays table in following format.

Note:- Use rowspan and colspan attribute.   

Q-2   Create a web page which displays the railway time table. (The most likely those are displayed on the railway platform)

Q-3  Create university mark sheet with proper format. (You can generate the copy of your own mark sheet. Display the content properly by use of <table> and other useful tags).

Q-4 Create a web page which display following output. Form

Q-5 Write a program in JavaScript that shows how the variable’s type can be changed on the runtime.

Description:-You can use the var keyword in JavaScript to define a variable in HTML. In JavaScript the data types of the variable is loosely typed so we can change the data type of the variable at any time. A same variable can have different values at different times of different data types.

Syntax:- var <variable name>=value;

Q-6 JavaScript program that demonstrates the use of +=,-=,*=,/= Operators.

var a=10; // Initial value of the variable is a=10.
a+=10;  // It increments the value of variable a=a+10 so the value a become 20.
a-=10; // It increments the value of variable a=a-10 so the value a become 10.
a*=10; // It increments the value of variable a=a*10 so the value a become 100.
a/=10; // It increments the value of variable a=a/10 so the value a become 10.

Q-7 Create a Form in HTML with two fields, minimum and maximum, write JavaScript to validate that only numeric value is entered in both, and the value entered in minimum is less than the value entered in maximum.

Description:- Take two textboxes to accept two values from the user and check whether the values entered in both the textboxes are numeric or not and put validation on it that you can enter only numeric values. You can also  check the that the field marked as maximum should have greater value as compared to the field marked as minimum if it is not so than put proper validation for it.

Hint: Key allowed in the textbox is 0-9, ‘.’. 

Q-8 Display Hello World using Servlet and implementing Package

Step 1: Create HelloWorld.Java in Package Test

Step 2: Create Web.xml File in Ur Root Folder

Q-9 Write a Servlet which will display all the parameters which are passed to the servlet page.

Hint: The previous page which will send the parameter should implement the method GET and the page should contain one textbox and a button. When the button is clicked the servlet page should get opened and should read the value of the textbox passed as an parameter.

Step 1 : Create Simple HTML Page With Form Elements. 

Step 2 : Create Servlet File Which GET Values from this HTML Form.

Step 3 : Create Web.XML File.

Q-10 Change the above program definition implement more
than one textbox and other element on the page pass
them as a parameter and handle

Step 1 : Create HTML Page With All Form Elements Such As         TextBox,TextArea,Radio,CheckBox,List With MultipleSelection.

Step 2 : Create GetPara.Java which can handle all this form elements and display output in proper html page.

Step 3: Create Web.INF file for Servlet Mapping.

Q-11 Write a Servlet to display all the headers available from request. 

Hint: display all the header content using all the header function available in the request header.

Display value for all the function:

Step 1: Create HeaderInfo.Java using Packages Concepts for servlet which can handle all header functions.

Step 2: Create WEB.XML file for Mapping Servlet file.

Q-12 Write a Servlet to display all the attributes available from headers (request and context).
Hint: Make use of getHeader() to get all the related and display all the attributes available in the getHeader() function.
All the attribute:

Step 1: Create GetHeader.Java using Packages Concepts for servlet which can handle all header Attributes.

Step 2: Create WEB.XML file for Mapping Servlet file.

Database Visit Counter

Q-13 Write a Servlet which displays a message and also displays how many times the message has been displayed (how many times the page has been visited). 
Hint: Create a file which will update the counter each and every time the page is being loaded. 

(Using Database Connection)

Step 1: Create a database with name database.mdb , Table name dbCounter , Column name counter with type numeric and add dsn with name db_count.

Step 2: Create VisitCounter.java servlet file which can interact with database for fetching and update counter value. 

Step 3: Create WEB.XML file for Mapping Servlet file.

Q-14 Assume that we have got three pdf files for the MCA-1 Syllabus, MCA-2 Syllabus and MCA-3 Syllabus respectively, Now write a Servlet which displays the appropriate PDF file to the client, by looking at a request parameter for the year (1, 2 or 3).

Hint: Create a HTML pages which will have a textbox and 
button. The user will enter the values in the textbox – 
either 1,2,3. Pass the value to a servlet page which will 
read the parameter value and display the appropriate 
PDF file. If the option is invalid they just display the 
message invalid semester.
Note: You can use any method – GET or POST

Step 1: Create HTML Page which will have a textbox and button.
which can pass value to servlet page.

Step 2: Create ViewPdf.java servlet file which can interact with pdf files and display it.

Step 3: Create WEB.XML file for Mapping Servlet file.

( Sahin N. Raj )

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