Laxmi Institute of Computer Applications (MCA)
Subject: 620001 – Data Structure Sem: II
Question set - I
Academic Year: 2010 - 2011
By : ManjoorHussain Kapoor 1
Q1) Define and explain trees and binary trees.
Q2) What is binary search tree? Write an algorithm to insert and delete an item from a binary search tree.
Q3) What are different methods of binary tree traversal with examples?
Q4) Write an algorithm for the in-order traversal of a binary tree.
Q5) Explain the structure of a threaded tree. What are the conventions of representing threads
Q6) Explain a height balanced binary tree.
Q7) Discuss the improvement in performance of binary trees brought by using threads.
Q8) Discuss the difference between a general tree and a binary tree. What is a complete binary tree?
Q9) What is a threaded binary tree? Explain in-order threading.
Q10) Given an account of the different classification of trees.
Q11) What are common operations performed on binary trees?
Q12) Write notes on height balanced and weight balanced trees.
Q13) Discuss the linked storage representation for binary trees.
Q14) What is a height of a binary tree?
Q15) Draw a binary tree for the expression A*B–(C+D)*(P/Q).
Q16) Discuss the internal memory representation of a binary tree using sequential and linked representation?
Q17) Give an algorithm for deleting information value X from a given lexically ordered binary tree.
Q18) How to insert a node to the right of a given node in a threaded binary tree?
Q19) Give a non-recursive algorithm for post order traversal of a binary tree.
Q20) What are the applications of tree data structure?
Q21) Explain preorder, Inorder and Post order traversals.
Q22) Explain binary tree traversals. Write an iterative function for inorder traversal. Explain the advantages of threaded binary tree over ordinary binary tree.
Q23) Explain the techniques for balancing heights of a binary tree.
Q24) What is a threaded binary tree? Write algorithm for adding an element to a threaded binary tree.
Q25) Define Binary search tree and its operations.
Q26) Define various tree traversal methods. Write non-recursive algorithm for in-order tree traversal.
Q27) What is Weight balanced tree?
Q28) Write an algorithm to convert a general tree to binary tree.
Q29) Define single rotation on AVL tree.
Q30) What is the difference between binary tree and binary search tree?
Q31) Write iterative procedure for preorder tree traversal.
Q32) Write an algorithm to traverse a binary tree in port order.
Q33) What are the uses of tree traversals?
Q34) Give the binary tree representation.
Q35) Write an iterative procedure for post-order tree traversal.
Q36) Draw a binary tree for the following expression A * B - (C - D) * (P / Q).
Q37) Write an algorithm to count the leaf nodes in a binary tree.
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