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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Android Application to understand Menu Options and Changing Color accordingly

Question -7

Understand Menu option.
a. Create an application that will change color of the screen, based on selected options from the

Step 1: Create New Project in eclipse.

Step 2: Edit MainActivity XML file in folder res/layout folder of your project

Step 3: Edit MenuActivity XML file in folder res/menu folder of  your project

Step 4: Edit MainActivity Java file in folder src/package/ folder of your project

Android Application to Understand Spinner value changing images

Question - 6

Understand resource folders :
a. Create spinner with strings taken from resource folder(res >> value folder).
b. On changing spinner value, change image.

Step 1: Create New Project in eclipse and go to res/layout folder.

Step 2: Add 5 Images of your choice into res/drawable-hdpi/ folder of your project.

Step 3: Edit Activity_Spinner XML file in res/layout/ folder of your project.

Step 4: Edit Activity Spinner Java file in src/package/ folder of your project.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Android Application for List Activity.

Question -5

Create an application that will pass some number to the next screen and on the next screen that number of items should be display in the list.

Step 1: Create New Project in Eclipse.

Step 2: Edit Main ListActivity xml file from res/layout folder of your project.

Step 3: Add New ListDisplay xml file to your res/layout folder of your project.

Step 4: Edit Main List Activity Java file from src/package/ folder of your project.

Step 5: Add New ListDisplay Java class file to your src/package/ folder of your project.

Android Application On successful login open browser with any URL.

Question -4

Create an Login application as above . On successful login , open browser with any URL.

Step 1: Create New Project in Eclipse.

Step 2: Edit Main_Activity layout xml file from res/layout folder in your project

Step 3: Edit MainActivity.java file from src/package/ folder in your project

Create login application where you will have to validate EmailID(UserName). Till the username and password is not validated, login button should remain disabled.

Question -3

Create login application where you will have to validate EmailID(UserName). Till the username and password is not validated, login button should remain disable.

Step 1: Create New Project in Eclipse.
Step 2: Edit Main Layout XML file from res/layout folder

Step 3: Edit MainActivity.java file from scr/package/ folder

Android Application to understand Activity - Intent

Question -2

To understand Activity, Intent
a. Create sample application with login module.(Check username and password)
b. On successful login, go to next screen. And on failing login, alert user using Toast.
c. Also pass username to next screen

Step 1: Create New Project in eclipse 
Step 2: Edit main activity layout xml file.

Step 3: Add new layout xml file sucess.xml in res/layout folder.

Step 4: Edit Main Activity Java File from src/package/MainActivity.java

Step 5: Add new Java file in src/package/sucess.java

Android Hello World Application

Question -1

Create Hello World Application that will display  "Hello World" in the middle of the  screen in the  red color and white background.

Step 1: Create New Project in eclipse and go to res/layout folder.
Step 2: Edit MainActivity XML file.